Jacquee T. Detours

Jacquee T. Detours

Jacquee T.'s "Cabin Fever" series -- featuring "Creative Activity Ideas"

July 07, 2020

Jacquee T. hosts a Cabin Fever series, in light of the COVID 19 "Stay at Home" rule we are experiencing. The destination subject: Creative Activity Ideas.
We are all feeling a sense of isolation -- a change from work, and from simply getting out to mingle.
This episode features "Creative Activity Ideas" to do while you are in your "Cabin."
Also includes phone interviews presenting a Cabin Fever view from Mackinac Island Michigan, and a "business" Cabin Fever view from the feature Sponsor, Ramona Meers, proprietress of TIMELESS Aromatics that has a boutique in Minnesota, and also is available online.This episode also has an air of the fresh water lakes, and the sailors who take them on.
In closing, Miss T. introduces the guest musician, Lee Murdock, who specializes in Great Lakes songs.Gotta love our Sponsors! -- TIMELESS Aromatics pure quality essential oils, and The Tasteful Olive gourmet boutique.
Listen in!