Jacquee T. Detours

Jacquee T. Detours

Cabin Fever -- Creative Activity Ideas

June 27, 2020

Jacquée T. Detours hosts a Cabin Fever series, in light of the vast the COVID 19 "Stay at Home" rule. The destination subject: Creative Activity Ideas.
We are learning about the feeling of isolation, as the "Stay at Home" rule is extended. We also may look forward to more ways to get back out and about.
This episode includes an air of fresh water lakes, and a glimpse into the sailing community.It also includes "Cabin Fever" views from Mackinac Island Michigan, and a "business" Cabin Fever view from the feature Sponsor, Ramona Meers, proprietress of the "Timeless Aromatics" boutique that is based in St. Paul Minnesota, and available online.
In closing, Miss T. introduces the guest musician, Great Lakes folklore singer, Lee Murdock.
Listen in!