Investigations of the UnExplained

Investigations of the UnExplained

The Prepping Guru

February 26, 2013

Prepping Guru Sarge Warifled brings you up to date tactics and equipment reviews in the world of Prepping.  Join Sarge as he gives you a competitive edge in your quest to be prepared in the event of a disaster no matter what it may be.  Don't get caught off guard or unprepared, remember folks Prepare Today, Survive Tomorrow!  Sarge's guest speakers, interviews, and information in the world of Prepping will set you ahead, so sit back and take notes as Sarge takes you to a new level of becoming a Guru within a critical field..... PREPPING!!!!   Check Sarge out at and also hear Sarge on Investigations of the Unexplained on Sunday nights at 7PM CST.