Its All About Women!

Its All About Women!

What Women Want to Talk About: Episode 36 - The 4 Big Reasons Why We Need to Love Ourselves

January 22, 2014

In this episode of What Women Want to Talk About…

Tomma von Haeften and host Kelly Orchard discuss The 4 Big Reasons Why We Need to Love Ourselves including:

  • When you love yourself completely you don’t need any other technique…
  • The only way to handle the negative ego is to love yourself…  
  • Love for yourself makes you more than a grown up, it makes you an adult…
  • There is the desire to know the God/Goddess and all that is that is within you…

Take a few minutes out of your day and listen to 7 actions you can take that are expressions of self love and learn how the future creates the present.

About the Expert:

Tomma Von Haeften is a pioneering practitioner of the enlightening, profound and life-altering process called FutureVisioning™, created by Ti Caine (  She is deeply committed to guiding her international clients past their personal resistances, remaining struggles, recurring overwhelm, and last stubborn road blocks that are still holding them back.

Tomma teaches her clients how to take ownership of their reality, how to build a healing relationship with their brightest future, and how to fully release deeply buried pain and hurt in order to become emotionally alive and free from physical limitations.

Through a proven foundational program that is based on radical honesty, self love and self forgiveness, her clients learn how to consciously and rapidly create the very life that they have deeply longed for, a reality enriched with magic, adventure, calmness, clarity, and infinite possibilities. Learn more about Tomma.

About the Host:

Kelly Orchard is a cracker jack change agent, business consultant, author, motivational public speaker, coach, marketing professional and co-host for It’s All About Women.

After more than 30 years in broadcasting and sales and marketing, a serious health crisis and life-derailing event served as the catalyst for Kelly to make a major career change. Kelly obtained her Master’s degree in Psychology with an emphasis in Marriage and Family Therapy.

Kelly uses her business and marketing skills and education in mental health to provide insight, guidance and coaching through workshops, articles and blogs. Learn more about Kelly.

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P.S. If you enjoyed this podcast, you might enjoy this one too…



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