It Matters Radio

It Matters Radio

Jon Huffman & Pink Octopus Bring Music, Rodney Anderson Brings Hope for our Vets - Jan 24,2014

January 23, 2014

After the demise of LA rock group Curious Primate, Jonathan Huffman and fellow CP bandmate Matthew Swartz decided to go in a new direction. Jon wanted to start a project with strong roots in jazz and funk, the emphasis being on guitar work and layering. Meanwhile, Matt had been passionate about developing a project that was more synth and beat based. The two decided to team up to make their visions a reality. Matt's project became SexBeef a dub fueled progrock experiment, and Jon's ideas became Pink Octopus. Each took leadership roles in their projects but were integral in the others project as well with Jon providing the guitar work for SexBeef and Matt the vocals and keys for Pink Octopus. In 2012 Jon left LA and took Pink Octopus to Seattle, WA in order to breath new life into the project. After several months of hard work and jamming the newly renovated and twice as powerful Pink Octopus is alive and well in the Pacific Northwest. Jon and Ian are now joined by Detroit Saxophone legend Michael Porenta and the Bass badger of Bellingham, Luke Wyman. Homes for Vets NOW, Inc., a Non-Profit Corporation, is building the nation's first sustainable living communities and building them specifically for America's homeless veterans. After much research they found although many organizations attempt to find homes for homeless veterans are well meaning and partially successful, Homes for Vets Now have created the ultimate solution to assimilating our valued veterans back into American society. They will be building our nation's first sustainable living communities and building them to house homeless veterans. A model for future communities all over the world. We will be speaking with founder/ President, Rodney Anderson on why their solution works.