It Just Is

It Just Is

6.01 - Snowden, Privacy, Demons, Elon Musk

April 12, 2017

Welcome back to the It Just Is Podcast! It's been a while...On this episode, we recap what we've been up too (poorly) since we last recorded. We jump into discussing Edward Snowden and online privacy, and quickly get into other topics such as Elon Musk and how everyone blames everything on demons. Be sure to let everyone know that we are releasing podcasts again! And please join our Reddit forum (it's free!). You can post your own thoughts or news stories for others to read and comment on. And each show we'll use the forum to discuss topics on the show! Enjoy the podcast!Please note, we're getting re-approved on iTunes and other podcasting networks. If you were previously subscribed, you'll most likely have to subscribe again when the show is accepted. For now, you're welcome to listen here. 

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