ITauthor Podcast

ITauthor Podcast

Latest Episodes

ITauthor podcast #15 – September 13th, 2008 – Virtual Machines
September 14, 2008

Virtual machines. What are they and why are they useful for a technical writer? Get in touch! I'd love to know who's listening, where you are and what you think of the podcast, so contact me at: comments==AT==itauthor==DOT==com Or just

ITauthor podcast #14 – August 29th, 2008 – Documentation and Agile Software Development
August 30, 2008

What's it like doing documentation as part of an Agile software development team? Why is it a better way of working? I mull this over these and other questions with Graham Campbell. If you want to find out more about the Agile software development method

ITauthor podcast #13 – August 20th, 2008 – Being the only tech writer
August 23, 2008

I talk to Graham Campbell about being the only technical writer at a software company. Graham describes his experience of being a year into tech writing and having his Documentation Manager (me) disappear off to do another job, leaving him in a team of on

ITauthor Podcast #7 – recorded 17 October 2006
October 17, 2006

Tom Johnson is the creator of the technical writers’ podcast Tech Writer Voices. In this edition of the ITauthor podcast he talks to me about why he started up Tech Writer Voices and about the benefits of podcasts as a medium of technical communication.

ITauthor podcast #6 – recorded 03 October 2006
October 03, 2006

Back after 6 months. I start off with a short recap of what’s been happening in tech authoring while I’ve been away. Most of this show is about DocBook and the DocBook XSL Stylesheets. More about DocBook at:

Podcast 05 – recorded 28 March 2006
March 28, 2006

Warning This podcast weighs in at a whopping 1 hour 32 minutes! Next time round I’ll try to be more concise, and I’ll try to cut out some of the ums and ahs, which should slim things down considerably. Sound quality I don’t know what happened with

Podcast 04 – recorded Tuesday, 31 January 2006
January 31, 2006

Rather like the difficult fourth album, this, the fourth itauthor podcast, has been long in the making. Well, actually the reason for the long gap between podcast 3 and this one is partly because of Christmas and partly because I just haven t got round to

Podcast 03 – recorded Friday, 16 December 2005
December 16, 2005

In which I talk about my attempt to upgrade Plone. For details of what I did (step by step) see:

Podcast 02 – recorded Monday, 5 December 2005
December 05, 2005

In which I break Russell Beattie s golden rule of podcasting by talking about podcasting.

My first podcast
December 01, 2005

I've got the day off today (using up my annual leave before the end of the year). So I decided to have a go at creating a podcast for myself. By the way, in yesterday's posting I said I was using Lemon, which "used to be called iPodder". Scratch that. It'