Insights, Issues & Istook

Insights, Issues & Istook

Obama encourages us to place same-sex marriage above religion

July 01, 2015

If you like your religion, can you keep it?
President Obama said in 2008 that too many Americans cling bitterly to their guns and their religion.
He recently repeated his calls for gun control. Now Obama seems to want people to give up their faith as well. At least the part that conflicts with his politics.
The President made the remarks shortly after the Supreme Court proclaimed a new Constitutional right to same-sex marriage. The document has no clear language that says so, unless it's written in invisible ink, like something out of a National Treasure movie.
Obama noted how religious people often oppose gay marriage. Then he called for activists to “help them,” presumably help to overcome our faith.
Obama once wooed the faithful by saying he believed in one-man, one-woman marriage. Now he brags like he supported same-sex marriage all along. Maybe, just maybe, he lied to get elected.
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Former Congressman Ernest Istook is president of Americans For Less Regulation. Get the FREE newsletter--click here.