Insights, Issues & Istook

Insights, Issues & Istook

Same-sex court decision destroys the democratic process

June 29, 2015

We lose the democratic process when courts make our biggest decisions for us.
Our Constitution provides clear limits on the powers of government. Instead, the Supreme Court uses  the Constitution to reduce our ability to make our own decisions through elections.
By ignoring public votes and duly-enacted laws, the Supreme Court has given America a new definition of marriage that ignores biology and contradicts the natural marriage of a man and a woman. We are told that centuries-old standards must fall if someone complains that their dignity is at stake. 
It's the same word games as when Bruce Jenner claims to be Caitlin Jenner because he 'feels' like a woman. We have to wonder what a woman is, if biology means nothing. Now it's the same for marriage.
But this new 'tolerance' does not permit dissent. They're already cracking down on anyone, including churches, that fails to celebrate same-sex marriage.
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Former Congressman Ernest Istook is president of Americans For Less Regulation. Get the free newsletter.