Ishpeming Catholic Podcast

Ishpeming Catholic Podcast

Latest Episodes

Confidence in Jesus - Week 6
September 17, 2020

Jesus calls us to have confidence in him when we need to forgive our enemies and do good to those who hate us.  When we suffer injustice for the sake of the truth, we need to trust in the ultimate judgment and justice of God.

Confidence in Jesus - Week 5
September 10, 2020

The readings this week call us to have confidence in Jesus when we confront one another about wrongdoing and sin.  In this episode, Father Ryan discusses how to admonish sinners and see this in the context of love and mercy.

Confidence in Jesus - Week 4
August 31, 2020

Jesus calls us to be faithful in making present in the world his self-denying, sacrificial life, suffering, and death.  The Church is not a business, but a witness.  We provide a sacrificial service to the truth about God and man, even when...

Confidence in Jesus - Week 2
August 16, 2020

The Canaanite woman of Matthew 15 is an image of the Church as a suffering mother, interceding for her children who are afflicted by demons, dependent on the power and mercy of Jesus for protection and care.  In this episode, Father Ryan...

Confidence in Jesus - Week 1
August 13, 2020

In the midst of worldwide challenges and pandemic, Jesus is still calling us to step out into the storm with our eyes fixed on him.  He calls us like he called Elijah and St. Peter to be faithful to our vocations, raise up the next generation,...

The Dignity of Work Week 6 - God multiplies our efforts
August 03, 2020

When Jesus multiplied the loaves and fish, he did so through the hands of the disciples.  As they brought Jesus what they had and trusted in Him, Jesus multiplied their resources to feed thousands of people.  Jesus expects us to get...

The Dignity of Work Week 5 Our hidden treasure
July 27, 2020

Jesus' parable of the treasure hidden in the earth teaches us to focus not just on surface-level appearances and image management, but to be concerned with the inner motivation of our hearts in all of our work.  Our treasure lies hidden in doing...

The Dignity of Work Week 4 Planting in Faith
July 27, 2020

Jesus' parables about the Kingdom of God encourage us to be patient and wait for God to bring fruitfulness from our daily labors.  The weeds and the wheat and the mustard seed remind us that we won't see the fruit of our labors in this lifetime,...

The Dignity of Work - Week 3
July 13, 2020

The purpose of our work is much more than just to make money.  By our work, we co-operate with God in setting creation free from corruption, bringing it to completion as something beautiful and useful for the service of mankind.  God also...

The Dignity of Work - Week 2
July 06, 2020

Jesus wants to teach us a new way of working as we 'yoke up' with him and learn from his meekness and humility before the Father and our fellow man.  In this episode, Father Ryan speaks about Jesus' way of working and how we can come into deeper...