"The Real Deal" with Dr. Leigh-Davis

"The Real Deal" with Dr. Leigh-Davis

Disco, Disco, Disco-"The Real Deal" with Dr. Leigh-Davis - Mar 14,2013

March 14, 2013

Disco, Disco, Disco-"The Real Deal" with Dr. Leigh-Davis. Dr. Leigh-Davis celebrates disco music in this "Real Deal" music episode, which goes behind-the-scenes of the movie "Saturday Night Fever," and also, dissects the history of disco. Wednesday at 10:00 p.m. Pacific Time, is now our regular spot. {Theme: Entertainment, Current Events, Politics and HOT TOPICS!!!} {Guest Profile: Anyone who has something current and interesting to talk about. The Real Deal is modeled after the old Merv Griffin talk shows, in that we keep it entertaining, but focused on what is happening in the world, (i.e.: HOT TOPICS!)} Remember, we have open topics and we do NOT screen our calls. All we ask is: be fascinating; keep it current; and visit http://www.DrLeigh-Davis.com {or} http://www.DrLeigh-Davis.co.uk. *** NEW *** > Listen LIVE from anywhere by calling (646) 727-2831 at 10 PM.*** LIVE call-in number: (646) 727-2831. 24/7 call-in number 24/7 voicemail (may be played on the air): (646) 470-2170.

Dr Leigh Davis The Real Deal disco musicrss_tiny.gifitunes_trans.png | Mel Gibson Tiger Woods Lindsay Lohanrss_tiny.gifitunes_trans.png | Saturday Night Fever Breaking News CNN Fox Newsrss_tiny.gifitunes_trans.png | John Travolta Kobe Bryant Magic Johnson sportsrss_tiny.gifitunes_trans.png | Charlie Sheen history Celebrity Gossiprss_tiny.gifitunes_trans.png