Internet Marketing Wednesday

Internet Marketing Wednesday

Success Libraries

April 09, 2015

One of the commonalities of massively productive people is they build libraries and collections of tools outside their own mind... something to draw from... Things they  can use later on.


The poor have big TVs. The rich have big libraries
Jim Rohn's journals, distilled down,
The library of Alexandria
The big libraries in the homes of the wealthy...
The boxes of source material writers keep around
The collections of brushes and colors artists keep on hand
The toolboxes and shops of makers and builders like Adam Savage and Jaime Hyneman from Mythbusters

Programmers also build libraries of code they can re-use.

Complementary skills.

Tai Lopez - Book a day
Free Your Inner Genius

The superpower Bill Gates and Warren Buffett would want

While college textbooks have a near-zero resale value ($5-7), the financially successful read books that grow their wealth.

Massive Content Creation System

Team up: By the way, here's why Wikipedia is an example of what specialization can do:

You can put in a paragraph ever and you're a contributor. But what you get back is the benefit of 10,000 experts working tirelessly for you forever.

Pretty good deal

The division of labor… works that way. The economy works best when each of us do the one thing we do best.