Intellectual Erection

Intellectual Erection

Luther on Black Masculinity in the Sex Positive Communities

June 28, 2020

On this episode I speak with Luther again, this time catching up from our previous episode from over a year ago where we discussed race play and now diving deeper into Black masculinity within the sex positive communities.

Luther is back to do a catch-up episode and talk about how things have progressed in his experiences with polyamory and his treatment as a Black man in the sex positive communities. He opens up about the challenges of Black masculinity in the sex positive communities where the expectations are for him to fill a one-dimensional alpha role as a bull. These expectations minimize his ability to explore his body, his sexuality, and desires, and mostly to be treated as a complex and multifarious human being with diverse needs. We also dive into the current Black Lives Matter movement and what this activism may do to create progress in the sex positive communities and beyond.

Reminder: I am continuing to offer my platform (podcast) to BIPOC interested in amplifying their voices—interviews, prerecorded audio, or rebroadcasting existing podcast episodes. Contact me at

Shout outs in this episode:
IG: @lovehoneyofficial
IG: @wevibe

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