Inspire Eugene

Inspire Eugene

Latest Episodes

The Human Art of Networking: The Wisdom to Know the Difference
April 15, 2015

In the first half of the 20th century American theologian Reinhold Niebuhr wrote these words: "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, The courage to change the things I can, And the wisdom to know the difference." Although thes

James Korth: Of Korth your Website Needs to Be Mobile!
April 13, 2015

In this episode of Inspire Eugene Brad McKinney and James Korth talk about why you need to make your website mobile responsive. On April 21st Google is going to give priority to businesses who have websites that are mobile responsive. The internet is mov

Choices and Outcomes: How you Respond Matters!
April 09, 2015

Quote: Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement, nothing can be done without hope and confidence In this Episode of the Choices and Outcomes Podcast, Brad McKinney and Scott Stewart talk about how to be optimistic. There is a lot of negativity in

The Human Art of Networking: Candor - the Gift of Hard Words
April 08, 2015

One of the most dramatic differences between personalities is how they approach the concept of candor. As givers, some are eager to offer their criticism while others struggle to be anything but affirming. As recipients, some relish the hard words while

47: Michael Love: Is a Mechanic, and a Chemist Entrepreneur
April 06, 2015

Michael moved here from Texas knowing no one, and is building 2 businesses. He is a chemist who owns a food testing lab, and he is a mechanic who owns his own auto repair business. He lives by the lien start up principles, and his making a living as an en

Choices and Outcomes: Dysfunction Junction
April 02, 2015

Quote: Dysfunction Junction In this episode Brad McKinney and Scott Stewart talk about personal, professional, and family dysfunction. It seems like dysfunction happens when we live in our feelings, and not with a purpose. This episode is insightful,

The Human Art of Networking: Building Your Own Business Network
March 31, 2015

I have been asked by many people "How do I build my own networking group?" Although the process is not complicated, I thought I would dedicate this podcast to clearly laying out a process for anyone interested in creating a professional networking team.

Bob Adams: Don’t Be Late for April 15th
March 31, 2015

In this episode Brad McKinney and Bob Adams discuss getting your taxes done on time. If you happen to be late we discuss what you can do to ensure you stay out of hot water with the IRS. Are you ready to GET INSPIRED!!

Choices and Outcomes: In our response lies our freedom
March 26, 2015

Quote: Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom ~Viktor Frankl Episode: In this episode Brad McKinney and Scott Stewart talk about how to over com

The Human Art of Networking: Ships without Rudders and Rocky Shores
March 25, 2015

According to Earl Nightingale 95% of us are like ships without rudders, repeatedly crashing into the rocks. Only a small handful ever take command and chart their own course. Where do you fall? In this episode I describe my own experiences on both sides