Inspire Eugene

Inspire Eugene

The Human Art of Networking: Your ‘Why’ Matters

March 18, 2015
Why do you do what you do?

Professionally speaking this is a critical question. An honest answer might be “the money” or “It’s what mom always wanted.” Thankfully we can have more than one honest answer to this question.

What would a professionally prudent answer sound like? Most likely, it would be some variation of “I like to help people.” Or, if you are truly committed – “I REALLY like to help people.”

While these responses are acceptable, and perhaps even honest, they communicate nothing of substance.

Every time we share our ‘why’ we are trying to:

  • differentiate ourselves,
  • make ourselves memorable, and
  • communicate trustworthiness.

General statements of ‘why’ will never suffice.

The only way accomplish the task is through the power of stories. This podcast identifies several examples of this in action. I hope you enjoy it!

