Input Junkie Podcast

Input Junkie Podcast

Django Unchained, Harold Ramis, and Pillow Babies

March 12, 2014

It's a new Input Junkie with Martha, Jack, Cathi, and Rob.  This week they discuss Django Unchained, How To Make People Like You in 90 Seconds  of Less by Nicholas Boothman, The Hunger Games Trilogy by Suzanne Collins, Harold Ramis, Groundhog Day, Stripes, Animal House, Ghostbusters, SCTV, You Don't Need a Title to be a Leader by Mark Sanborn, Pillow Babies, Spy on Hulu Plus, Duo Lingo, Jamie Foxx, Collateral, Ali, Ray, Quentin Tarentino, RobbieNovak Kid President, and Soul Pancake.  Learn more, subscribe, or contact us at  You can write to us at and let us know what you think.  Be sure to rate us and review the episode.  It really helps other people find us.  Thanks!