In Process Podcast

In Process Podcast

Latest Episodes

Need a Responsible and Committed Workforce? Hire a Refugee. Here's How and Why You Should.
August 24, 2017

The city of Clarkston, Ga is a top destination for refugees and the Mayor, along with business leaders, have seized the opportunity to tap into a pool of workers who are responsible, committed and capable. Clarkston is located  just 10 miles...

When to Talk; When to Text
August 10, 2017

It’s not just you; many of us are talking less these days and texting or emailing much more to communicate with one another. This week, we revisit one of the most universally relevant topics we’ve ever covered: the art of conversation in the...

Finding Your Bearings in the Brand Wilderness
July 27, 2017

In this episode of In Process Podcast, Trusted Counsel interviews Jonathan David Lewis, branding, strategist, and author of a 2017 new book titled “Brand vs Wild.” Lewis explains that “psychologically, there is very little difference between a...

Speed Up Innovation Success. Dump the Junk
July 06, 2017

Bluetooth, the Apple iPhone, Facebook, and 4G (the fourth generation of mobile telecommunications), are undoubtedly some of the most important inventions of the 21st century. Colossal ideas of the future that required some serious innovation processes...

What Makes a Great Leader?
June 29, 2017

At some point in our careers, most of us have undoubtedly scratched our heads and wondered, “How on earth did this person obtain this leadership role?” The fact of the matter is that some people in leadership roles don’t belong there....

Are You Still Guilty of Committing Random Acts of Marketing?
June 14, 2017

Some of the companies with the most efficient operations are also the ones who have the hardest time growing. It’s a counterintuitive idea, but it’s one that has been supported by research and that serves as the basis for this week’s episode of...

Don't Be Blue; Make Your Happiness
June 01, 2017

In the United States, we live in one of the richest, safest and most free countries in the world. Yet according to the “2016 United Nation’s World Happiness Report”, we rank No. 19. Why is this? In this episode of InProcess Podcast, Trusted...

Managing Your Business: Keeping Cool When Everything is Hot
May 18, 2017

In this episode of InProcess Podcast, Trusted Counsel interviews Rhett Power, the author of “The Entrepreneur’s Book of Actions” and co-founder of Wild Creations, an award-winning startup toy company. According to Power, we are operating...

Are We Getting Closer to Shattering The Glass Ceiling?
May 04, 2017

We talk to Robbin Jorgensen about Women Igniting Change

Maintaining Your 'A GAME' Through Stress and Workload Challenges
April 19, 2017

Every day we are all bombarded with projects, commitments, too many emails – constant overload and it’s a constant challenge to maintain good focus, be productive and maintain (or have any!) energy to carry on. It can be a vicious cycle and if...
