In Process Podcast

In Process Podcast

Latest Episodes

Telling vs. Selling:The Art of Self-Promotion
December 21, 2017

This week on In Process: Conversations about Business in the 21st Century, (Trusted Counsel’s bi-weekly podcast show) hosts Evelyn Ashley and John Monahon of Trusted Counsel revisit a previously aired podcast from June, 2016. They were joined by...

AI in Business: New Decision-Makers on the Rise
December 14, 2017

According to a recent study published by Oxford University, 47 percent of American jobs could be lost to automation in the next 20 years. Artificial intelligence (AI) is here and when it comes to innovating and disrupting the workforce, robots have...

Children Who Mean Business: Developing Next-Gen Entrepreneurs
November 30, 2017

You know this child. The neighbor’s daughter or son selling lemonade on the corner during a hot summer day. A daughter who charges siblings interest to borrow money or loan them possessions. The budding artist who sells her artwork to...

Atlanta and Southeast Getting More “At Bats” for VC Investments
November 16, 2017

The real key to growing more venture opportunities is getting more at bats. A little more than 10 years ago, the majority of the most “solid deals” were generally confined to the West Coast. Think Silicon Valley. However, as that investment...

Diffuse Stress, Increase Energy and Focus At Work: Mindfulness Meditation
November 07, 2017

Is your new work normal disruptive, and noisy? With the advent of instant messaging platforms, text messages, plus the social media channels that pull us in - it’s no wonder we struggle to stay focused at work. So, if this is your new work normal...

Don’t Struggle with Your Bottom Line: More Effectively Reach Better Profit Goals
October 19, 2017

We are operating in a new disruptive world that’s defined by a high-demand for innovation, dynamic work, rapid-fire decision-making and more. In the new book “DECIDE TO PROFIT: 9 Steps to a Better Bottom Line,” author and consultant Dorriah L....

Trailer - Decide to Profit
October 10, 2017

This is the trailer for our next episode that airs on 10/19/2017. We interview Dorriah Rogers, PHD and author of the new book "Decide to Profit - 9 Steps to a Better Bottom Line." This episode is one that you won't want to miss!

Investment's New ROI: Empowering Entrepreneurship for Social Change
October 05, 2017

Guest Rohit Malhotra, CEO of Center for Civic Innocation, Atlanta, GA

Leveraging Diversity and Inclusion as Business Drivers
September 21, 2017

Even though we’ve made a lot of strides during the last several years, particularly in the last decade, when it comes to creating a more diverse workplace, there’s been huge interest of late in enabling and leveraging diversity and inclusion as...

How I Did It: A Discussion with Atlanta Tech Executive on Building and Selling a First Business
September 07, 2017

Interview with Atlanta Technology Executive Darrell Mays
