Innovations Medical Podcast with Dr. Bill Johnson

Innovations Medical Podcast with Dr. Bill Johnson

Turkey Neck Removal – Tightening Your Neck, Arms, & Stomach

December 15, 2015

Everybody wants to look younger and Dr. Bill Johnson of Innovations Medical is here to help. Statistics show that 91% of women are not happy with their body and while exercising can certainly help; there are some things that no gym can help.

A lot of body parts are affected by aging and arms are definitely one of them. Arms get loose and saggy, but you can change that with liposuction. Another problematic area for women are the thighs. Liposuction can solve this as well and give you the silhouette that you want. It also helps with inner thighs that can be uncomfortable and chafing.

Turkey necks are a problem for both men and women. Thermage and other radio frequency based treatment can really make a big difference and make that turkey neck go away. These procedures are office based, with no downtime and they really work well. For those that want a little bit more, liposuction can make a huge difference and restore the contours of your neck.

Have questions?

Email us at with any questions that you may have or if you want to know what special offers that Innovations Medical may have regarding fat transfer, liposuction and their other cosmetic procedures. Contact our Dallas branch at 214-420-7970.