The Aging Academy

The Aging Academy

IGA021- Millennials vs. Boomers – Bridging The Generation Gap

December 25, 2016

Social scientists try to specify the defining characteristics of each of the generations. But there isn't a lot of information on how Millennials view aging and older people. If today's guest is any indication, there is a lot to be hopeful for. Brett Roger Gebbie, a 32 year old millennial, is the host of a podcast titled "Inspect Your Elders", where he chats with those having many more years of experience than he to find out the thoughts and events that have shaped their lives.
After listening to several of his episodes, Lee invites Brett to discuss his motivations and purpose for doing his podcast and uncovers a thinking that seems rather unique among millennials. Or perhaps we have misjudged what millennials are all about? Adjusting our view of millennials and their opinions will most certainly affect our relationships in the world. You be the judge as to whether Brett's thinking is unique or typical of his generation.

Questions Explored In This Episode:

How do millennials view our older citizens?
How do age affect our views?
What is the present-day value in listening to the stories of the elders?.

Links And Resources:

Email for Brett Rodger Gebbie:
Links for the "Inspect Your Elders" Podcast

On Stitcher
On iTunes
On Libsyn

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