Shows – InLight Universal

Shows – InLight Universal

Sanat Kumara on the Changes Happening to Us

January 26, 2017

January 26, 2017 – Sanat Kumara addressed us on An Hour with an Angel this week. Sanat, or “Raj” as he prefers to be called, is planetary logos, keeper of the universal laws, and one of the family of Kumaras who’ve come from Venus to assist us with our ascension.
He discussed the different ways we’re adapting to the changes happening around us.
He invited us to look together at what is going on the planet, in the simplest of terms.
He described the “recalcitrants” as people who thought of humanity as out-of-control children who needed to be reined in. That group has been diminishing significantly but it has always been much larger than what we think of as Team Dark, the Illuminati, etc. Because it includes people who supported but were not outwardly demonstrative of that perspective.
Then there is the freedom group and we’re seeing these all over the planet. He continually takes a world pulse and he sees that armed hostilities are in fact decreasing. That includes the violence quotient among human beings, one to another. And he includes intent in that as well.
That is decreasing rapidly because of the Porlana C energy hitting the planet.
He went on to discuss the other broad global groups and what they wanted.
From the lightworkers, he asked for pure and clear direction. “We are not doing the implementation. You are,” he explained.  “You are the fulfilment agents. What are you  choosing to do?”
Much, much more from the Being responsible for terrestrial humanity.
An Hour With An Angel Airs no later than 7pm ET on alternate Thursdays. Linda Dillon channels Archangel Michael and other guests from the Council of Love to provide spiritual teachings and guidance on co-creating the New Earth. Interviewed by Steve Beckow, chief editor of the Golden Age of Gaia. Produced by Paul Backes.
Music: Pachelbel’s Canon and Mike Roland – Son of the Light.
Linda’s website ~
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