Shows – InLight Universal

Shows – InLight Universal

St. Germaine on Personal and Global Healing ~ An Hour With an Angel

January 12, 2017

January 12, 2017 – St. Germaine spoke to us today about the accelerated cleansing and healing that’s going on on the planet.
Not only our own personal healing, but also global healing from the results of war, exploitation, pillage, etc.
On our personal healing, he said that the Tsunami of Love, the Tsunami of One, and the Porlana C (1) energies hitting us now bring up all that’s not of love to be processed. We feel it as a pebble in our shoe that we can’t wait to get rid of.
He went over ways of processing it.
Not only are old energies coming to the surface to be processed, but there is at the same time an acceleration in the fulfillment of our dreams.
I can certainly vouch for that, having found a new apartment in the first building I looked at, which was everything I wanted in an apartment. AAM said that they had used the occasion of my move to fulfill a dream for me I’d had for a very long time: An apartment on English Bay.
He noted that the galactics have been doing all they could prior to Disclosure to heal and cleanse the planet. Their biggest contribution is to cleanse the atmosphere of depleted uranium – used in weapons – that otherwise would have been a planet killer, omnicidal. But they also cleaned up chemtrails, other kinds of radiation, oil spills, pollution, and so on.
He looked at the fact that where there is love, there is no hatred. Hatred and love cannot coexist. Transformative love – what the Divine Mother called “sacred love” in our last Hour with an Angel –  fills the space and leaves none for hatred. Moreover, in those who hate, transformative love cannot be born. So the two have no common contact or overlap.
I asked him if awareness was dissolutive.  And he said it was, a confirmation which was very helpful to me.  While we may need to be neutral, in the middle, in balance to have our awareness be maximized, awareness itself is not neutral. It dissolves the knots in consciousness.
In regard to post-Reval stress, he advised us to stick to what we know best and breathe/relax as much as we can.  (2)
An Hour With An Angel Airs no later than 7pm ET on alternate Thursdays. Linda Dillon channels Archangel Michael and other guests from the Council of Love to provide spiritual teachings and guidance on co-creating the New Earth. Interviewed by Steve Beckow, chief editor of the Golden Age of Gaia. Produced by Paul Backes.
Music: Pachelbel’s Canon and Mike Roland – Son of the Light.
Linda’s website ~
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(1) According to Linda, the galactis have not been wiling to discuss the Porlana C energies till now. Once I see Ashira’s transcript, I’ll see if there’s enough there to write the subject up.
(2) No pattern is more reminiscent of the Divine Mother than the breath. The breath and Aum, the Mother’s cosmic vibration, are both sine waves.  The inhale reflects creation (Akar, rajas guna); the maintenance of breath reflects preservation (Ukar, sattwa guna); and the exhale reflects transformation (Makar, thamas guna). The gunas are the cosmic forces.