Infusioncast with Joshua R. Millage - The #1 Infusionsoft Podcast

Infusioncast with Joshua R. Millage - The #1 Infusionsoft Podcast

Dave Lee: PlusThis Adds Life to Your Business

November 12, 2015

In today’s Infusioncast Joshua Millage interviews Dave Lee about PlusThis software for managing registration and tracking for classes and live events, plus marketing content and messaging, split testing, and more.

Dave describes Easy Check-In, which tags registrants with a QR code badge so you can verify or upgrade their status when they check in at an event or class.
PlusThis is also in pre-launch with their new Countdown Timer, a powerful tool for increasing conversion by leveraging perceived value through the concept of scarcity using time-bound and gated content. Yet another innovative solution is PicSnippets, which lets you personalize images for your automated marketing campaigns in ways you could only do with text in the past. You can even use it with web pages.

Dave collaborated with Steve Forbes on the book Successonomics, which describes how to use technology to systematize your business and boost your brand through organization, simplification, and user personalization. Dave has learned the importance of setting up your technology to work for you, so that you can disconnect from it more often and enjoy more meaningful things in life.

Connect with Dave Lee and learn more about PlusThis at