Infusioncast with Joshua R. Millage - The #1 Infusionsoft Podcast

Infusioncast with Joshua R. Millage - The #1 Infusionsoft Podcast

Clate Mask: Co-founder and CEO of Infusionsoft

October 30, 2015

When Clate Mask and his partners started their custom software business in 2002, they did not expect to revolutionize the way small business is done. In this Infusioncast Joshua Millage talks with Clate, co-founder and CEO of Infusionsoft, about his company’s origins and values and his insights for small business owners.

Infusionsoft offers automation solutions for small business marketing and sales. It was their original introduction of automation that elegantly solved a ubiquitous problem and catapulted the company to market leadership. But first Clate had to learn the key to selling their services was by communicating his belief in the company and the value they offered.

Infusionsoft is built on a desire for their clients to succeed. The founders also simply love what they do and have from the start. That passion along with clarity of purpose, solid values, and a mission to lead their market allowed them to secure necessary investment capital.

Clate advises business owners to consider 3 basic questions:

• Who are you as a company?
• What do you do?
• Why do you exist?

Your answers will form the foundation for your business and give you the direction you require to grow your company the way you want it to be, to hire the right employees, and to attract the customers you want to work with.

The next step up for Infusionsoft is to go public. Clate is firm about telling potential investors up front that the company will uphold its commitment to put customers before profits and will not sacrifice the purpose, values, and mission that define the company.

Connect with Clate Mask and learn more about Infusionsoft at