Infusioncast with Joshua R. Millage - The #1 Infusionsoft Podcast

Infusioncast with Joshua R. Millage - The #1 Infusionsoft Podcast

Bob Britton: It’s All About Results

June 18, 2015

To get the most out of Infusionsoft, you must really know your business, your customers, and your target goals. Bob Britton talks with Joshua Millage in today’s Infusioncast about getting started with Infusionsoft, resolving core business problems, and best marketing methods.

Bob is the creator of the Marketing Automation Group, which helps users bridge the gap between learning and implementing Infusionsoft. He has seen people get excited and try to use every option, but the best design uses only the minimum required to get results. Some users expect Infusionsoft to solve their business problems, but you have to discover and deal with those problems first. Then the tool can help you stay organized and increase productivity.

Bob recommends not even opening the application until you know your ideal customer. There are a few ways to gather demographic and psychographic information, including direct response marketing, Facebook analysis, and list brokers. Once you know what your customers need, you can supply personalized products and services they will gladly pay you for.

Direct mail is becoming more effective than online marketing, as the internet is oversaturated with bad marketing and scams, which has caused consumers to lose interest. Also, there is so little direct mail now that yours is more likely to be seen. Direct mail can also be accurately targeted to niche markets.

By leveraging direct mail and your online presence together with direct response marketing results, you can develop your Infusionsoft system to achieve focused, highly personalized, and interactive contact with receptive customers, and gain credibility through greater visibility and expanded representation.

Connect with Bob Britton through his website at You can get more information about Infusionsoft, plus useful WordPress plugins and support, at