infinite pie connection podcast

infinite pie connection podcast

Jeff Goins, Writer!

September 25, 2014

‘Life is a series of apprenticeships.’ Jeff Goins, Writer


Apprenticeships, at their inception in the renaissance period, took, on average, seven years.  Jeff’s first job after college was his accidental apprenticeship.  It helped him hone his writing skills and to practice his craft.  It wasn’t until after this seven year period that he was finally ready to call himself a writer.

During the interview Jeff talks about admitting your dreams to yourself and then owning them.  About getting your ideas out into the world and loving what you do.

He talks about tribes and the Karate Kid, the boundless nature of the Internet, writing lyrics, spelling bees and shadow careers.

Jeff names Frederick Buechner, a writer he holds in high esteem, as someone he would like to connect with to explore the reasoning behind the decisions he made.

Jeff references the writings of Seth Godin, including 'Tribes', Carol Dweck’s book 'Mindset', 'Give & Take' by Adam Grant and Stephen Pressfield’s concept of a ‘Shadow career' throughout this conversation.

All that said, Jeff wouldn’t be talking to you on a podcast about any of this, as "Jeff Goins, Writer!", had he not held himself accountable, faked his way into confidence and called himself a writer.

We started these show notes with a quote from Jeff so we’ll finish with one too.

‘Start and let your courage catch up with you.’ Jeff Goins, Writer

If you would like to connect with Jeff Goins you can head over to his website or check out his page on Facebook.