Interactive Distractions

Interactive Distractions

InDis – Ep 397 – Over Watched

June 01, 2016

Travis is out this week.  Can’t seem to get the whole group together.
Intros consist of a long eventful weekend, and a twitch show that all table top RPG fans should check out.
In distractions… Chris doesn’t have much new, but there’s a lot of Overwatch talk.
The new XBones get a bit of talk as does over hyping games too early.
Pick of the week is next before we wrap things up.  Episode 397 is now history.  Sorry so late.
000.00 – Introductions and Updates
012.09 – Distractions
033.55 – Thoughts
048.04 – Picks of the Week
051.49 – Wrap up
QotW: What do you think of the new format?
Remember, the InDis email line is open 24/7.
Have a suggestion for the Question of the Week? Drop us a line at or . . .
706-760-4337  (it’s almost 1337, but it’s not)
Google talk –
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