Indie Intellect

Indie Intellect

Ep 016 – Running Over People

May 30, 2015

Check out Indie Intellect's Youtube Channel ( for more info on these topics and more!
Key Points

* You have an important message to get across.  You need to know how to effectively communicate that to your audience.
* You can't shortcut relationship.

* You must have real, bidirectional communication.
* Anytime you ask something from your audience, you take a "withdrawl" from the relationship account.
* Anytime you give something to serve your audience, you make a "deposit" in the relationship account.

* You can't shortcut engagement.

* Asking superficial questions is obvious to the audience.

* "Preaching" requires you to have the respect of the audience already.
* "Engaging" builds trust as you communicate.
* "Engaging" is respectful of the audience's need.

Check out Indie Intellect's Youtube Channel ( for more info on these topics and more!
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Image courtesy Ryan Hyde ( via Flickr.