Improv vs. Metaphor

Improv vs. Metaphor

Improv vs. Metaphor EP. 18 – Married vs. Single

June 23, 2014

Episode 18 – Married vs. Single
Guest: Jason Lewis

Hosts Rob Janowski and Owen Chan invite married man Jason Lewis to discuss a topic close to their hearts: relationship status. Yes, it's complicated, but so is their relationship to improv. Is improv best if you keep it open and mess around, or does it need you to put a ring on it? These men of varying marital status (married, engaged, dating) will probably get into trouble with their respective important women: Jason's wife, Owen's fiance, and Rob's mom. Just kidding! Rob's mom is super nice, guys.

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Improv vs. Metaphor tries to find the best possible metaphor for improv. Who wins the battle? Improv does.