Ilonggo Popcast

Ilonggo Popcast

Ilonggo Popcast S01E07: Ned Trespeces

April 12, 2015

Remember Jologs and how it inspired a whole generation of teens to be “next in line”? Well, screenwriter and director Ned Trespeces is one of the few Ilonggos in the national film industry reppin’ for our hometown hard with his brand of pop cinema! Like Season 1 guest Tara Illenberger, the films he’s been involved in have been highly influential hits, and he’s guesting on this week’s Ilonggo Popcast!

On another unrelated note, we’ve been taking notes of the issues some musicians have with sending their demos for the ‘Song of the Week’ segment lately, so you can check out how else you can submit your demos to us easily for this week’s intro! Either way, we’re sure that you’ll find this a fun episode!

(Photo by Xtian Evren “VanS3n†Lozañes)


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