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The Pruning Shears Technique: Deliberate Future Creation

May 25, 2021

Let go of fear and doubt! The best way to predict your future is to create it! This is one of the best deliberate creation techniques powered by that wonderful KRST Consciousness operating within you!

Pruning Shears Visualization Technique in 4 easy steps

1. Analyze your day. 

2. Edit out each thing you wish had happened differently. 

3. Replace it with a scenario that you would prefer. 

4. Rehearse until it feels natural.

The more natural your revisions feel and the more you rehearse them into the subconscious mind, the sooner you release limiting interference patterns; such as fear, doubt, regret etc. about yourself the world and your ability to be your best!

* Note this is not about relinquishing responsibility, or ignoring the truth about personal mistakes and injustices in the world. This is about True personal repentance for mis-steps as well as true forgiveness of the mis-steps of others. Allowing you to remove negative Energy that can keep you stuck in the past.

Adapted from Neville Goddard

Peace & Blessings,
