Voices - Conversations on Business and Human Rights from Around the World

Voices - Conversations on Business and Human Rights from Around the World

Scott Edwards on AI and Data Use

November 22, 2019

With fake news proliferating and deep fake videos making it harder to separate truth from falsehood, the challenge for investigators - state prosecutors, human rights researchers, and journalists - has become harder. Amnesty International has invested resources to understand the impact of technology on human rights better and examined bombing in Syria and misogynistic attacks on women politicians and journalists on the Internet. Unregulated technology can have adverse impacts on human rights.
Scott Edwards is the Senior Advisor at Amnesty International's Research Directorate and teaches at the Elliott School of International Affairs at George Washington University. An expert on science and technology, his past work has included research on early warning systems and responses to humanitarian crises. In a conversation with IHRB's Salil Tripathi, Edwards talks about the need for human rights groups to use technology more effectively and why it is important to make tech companies accountable for their impacts.