I Help Salons

I Help Salons

Google Really Has a Thing for Mobile and You Should Too

July 27, 2017

A couple of days ago,  I realized that the folks over at Google just might be onto something with their latest booth renter online booking push.
My wife and I were sitting in the living room. She had her laptop open and I asked her to look something up online. She then reached for her iPhone and quickly went to the site in question.

When I asked her why she didn’t just use her laptop, her response was “I don’t know, it’s just easier.”
That’s when I realized that my wife experiences the internet very differently than I do. To her, smartphones are for games and looking up information. Laptops are for binge watching “television” or other programming online.
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Beginning With the User in Mind
Her preference for the small screen also brings Google’s latest initiative into sharper focus. I noticed when I look at the Reserve with Google website on my desktop, the site looks totally underwhelming.
However, on the small screen, Reserve with Google looks right. The site’s layout makes it clear that the folks at Google expect the lion’s share of traffic to their site to come from people browsing on mobile devices.
This continues the mobile first trend that they and Facebook have been following for some time now.

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Booth Renter Online Booking | Make It Easy for Your Clients
One of my oldest clients is a non-geek. He’s as old school as you can be in the 21st century when it comes to technology.
He doesn’t own a laptop, but he does have a smartphone and a tablet. As forward leaning as that sounds, I’m pretty sure he only uses his smartphone to receive calls and send text messages.
Despite my best efforts, online booking isn’t his thing. Luckily for him Google, Facebook and Apple are engaged in a battle for your smartphone.

In a previous article we touched on Google’s push into online booking through it’s popular Maps app. They’ve also joined Facebook and Apple with a Messaging app of their own called Google Allo.
Like Reserve with Google, Allo is available to integrate with their Maps app. More than a simple messaging app, it can serve as a chat bot to begin communicating with prospects who are interested in your business.
This essentially gives you the ability to communicate with prospects even when you can’t get to your cell phone.
The big boys are changing the way your potential customers use the internet. So even if you are tech averse, there are developments coming to the market that you may want to embrace.
Stay tuned to this space as we try to stay ahead of the future. It’s coming. And it’s not moving slowly.
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