I Help Salons

I Help Salons

Booth Renter Email Marketing | How To Create Lead Magnets

May 01, 2017

In a perfect world, every time I build a website for a booth renter, I would also set up their blog and email marketing system.
Without these two feature, your website can’t do what you want it to do for you. We’ll chat about blogs at another time, but today I want to talk about the most important part of any email marketing system: the lead magnet.
What do booth renters need to know about lead magnets?
For our purposes, a lead magnets is anything installed on your website that gets visitors to give you their email addresses so you can build relationships and market to them. There’s really nothing more you need to know beyond that.
Since most salon websites don’t email marketing much less lead magnets, you may wonder if your booth renter website really needs one.
In my experience, most website owners don’t really understand how their websites work. The fact that most salon websites don’t use them is good news. It means more opportunities for booth renters who do.
Lead Magnet Definition
Lead magnet (also known as opt-in bribe) is an incentive you offer to potential buyers in exchange for their contact information such as name, email, phone number, etc. ~ OptinMonster.com
Of course, there’s no requirement to add a lead magnet to your website. However, you have a website because you’re trying to build your list. When people visit you need to have something to show for your efforts. You need to add at least one lead magnet!
With that in mind, what types of lead magnets do you need? 
First of all I, need you to takeoff your artist’s hat and put on your marketer’s hat.  It’s a very different way of thinking.
If I were to say to you  “Hey, who’s your target audience?”
I wouldn’t be surprised if you answered  “Anyone who can come through the door and sit in my chair.”
That’s a natural, “I want my business to survive,” kind of answer, but it’s not a useful answer where your website and marketing’s concerned.
If you’re trying to reach people online, your lead magnet needs to be something that they’re interested in.
Believe it or not, no matter how popular any one thing is, there will always be someone who isn’t interested. Someone that that thing doesn’t resonate with.
If you think of your lead magnet that way, something that you’re going to put on your website to attract people and give them an incentive to give you their email address in exchange for a thing that you’re going to put in front of them, probably not the best strategy long term to only rely on discount coupons as a lead magnet. They’re good, but they’re not the only thing that you can use.
Think about it. You know which of your clients, when they come through the door, are going to tip like Trump, and the ones that are going to be pinching the penny to make Lincoln scream.
You know the ones that are going to be in there for the fast and furious, get in, sit down, get up, get out, and the ones that are looking for the hot towel treatment. Different things resonate with different people.
Don’t limit yourself to one lead magnet.
Think outside the box a little bit and say to yourself, “What else can I put in place for an effective lead magnet?” The reason I bring this up is not because I want to discourage you from using coupons.
I do not.
They are very effective. However, there’s very little difference between the people you attract with a discount coupon on your website, and the people you would attract if you just went full-blown and went to Groupon.