The Ignorance Equation

The Ignorance Equation

The Ignorance Equation- Captain American't Versus Patriotic Correctness!

March 13, 2016

Is The American Dream Dead, Or Did It Ever Truly Exist At All?

In a country that is rapidly falling in quality of life, upward mobility, education, average lifespan and reputation around the world, have we become a nation of Americants or a nation of programmed sheep shackled by our own nationalistic fear and blind patriotism?

This week singer, artist and all around political wise-man Kory Clarke from the High Octane Never Compromising Rock Band- Warrior Soul calls in from Italy to join our panel and talk with us about America's imminent decline and our deterioratingimage around the world.

And on Kettle Of Fish, Comedian Heidi Heaslet stops by to talk about Voting Kanye West For President!

So Join Dee, Saucey, Fern and Badger for all the American Exceptionalism we can Verbally Waterboard into your Anti-Capitalist EarHoles!

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