The Ignorance Equation

The Ignorance Equation

The Ignorance Equation- I Spy With My Little iPhone

February 28, 2016

”Those Who Sacrifice Liberty For Security Deserve Neither.” -Ben Franklin

Never has those words rang more true than now. We live in a digital age of mass surveillance, drone spying, data collection and government eavesdropping. This week we talk about the battle for privacy between Apple and the Government, and when, if ever, we should compromise our privacy for security. We also talk Edward Snowden, NSA and this weeks news. Joining our panel this week: Author Mike Bushman

And on Kettle Of Fish, Actor Dan Frischman stops by to talk about Being Nerdy Before Nerdy Was Cool.

So Join Dee, Saucey, Fern and Badger for all the Verbal Voyeurism we can Secretly Transmit into your Confidential Little EarHoles.

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