Infinite Grenade Launcher | Gaming Podcast

Infinite Grenade Launcher | Gaming Podcast

Retro Gaming! Christmas Wish List Games | Infinite Grenade Launcher Podcast | Level 234 - Infinite Grenade Launcher

December 20, 2016

What child of the 9o's didn't pine for a series of Nintendo-made items yearly at Christmas? This week on IGL Podcast Retro Gaming we're talking the games we most ardently wished Santa would bring for our last episode of the year!

Growing up, Christmas was a magical time for video games, because the chance of getting the coveted console or game your heart desired went up exponentially. Santa loved to bring video games to kids. Some of our highlights include Command and Conquer for the PC, Nintendo and SNES titles like Super Mario 3, Little Nemo, Chrysalis plus wishes for the coming year get very wistful - Kyle dreams of a Bushido Blade game for a current console.