The Infinite Frontier | Network | Tim Calderwood | Andy "Bull" Barch | Frontier League | Bas

The Infinite Frontier | Network | Tim Calderwood | Andy "Bull" Barch | Frontier League | Bas

The Infinite Frontier Podcast – Episode 10 – Box Office Smashers

August 14, 2014

On this week’s show, Woody and Bull breakdown the process of one of the easiest ways to kill time on a long bus trip, movies! Woody and Bull talk to both of their resident movie men who are in charge of picking out movies, Toddy Kibby for the Lake Erie Crushers, as well as Tony Delmonico and Tony Smith for the Schaumburg Boomers.

We’ll also hear from the newly appointed manager of the Washington Wild Things, Bob Bozzuto.

Players of the week from the last couple of weeks will be heard from as well, and they include Washington’s Troy Marks, and a pair of Evansville Otters, Nik Balog and Trevor Walch.

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