I Didn't Wrap My Gift Podcast

I Didn't Wrap My Gift Podcast

French Toast, Turkey, Ninja’s and Cyber-Monday

November 28, 2013


00:09 Hanukkah

0:32 Happy Thanksgiving

1:13 A Moment of Reflection

1:31 A Mind Shift

1:49 An Assignment

2:12 French Toast

2:35 Black Friday

2:42 Have a Plan

3:08 Day Of Listening

3:24 Next Week

3:30 Apples

3:37 Cyber-Monday

3:48 Santa’s List

4: 06 Day Of The Ninja

Hey, this is Tim from I Didn’t Wrap My Gift. Happy Thanksgiving everyone, this is the news

If you didn’t know it already, the Jewish holiday hanukkah started last night at sundown.

Known as the Festival of Lights and Feast of Dedication, it lasts for 8 days and is observed by the lighting of a candle each night of the observation.

If you do celebrate the holiday, then Happy Hanukkah

Today is one of my favorite holidays, Thanksgiving. Although the food is great, I am reminded of how amazing life can be, even when we might have a thousand reasons to feel down.

Sometimes it can be amplified by all the stresses that come from the holiday season. Maybe we are alone or far from family. Maybe we are freaking out because we are hosting the dinner this year.

I think it is important that we take the time today (hopefully before our turkey induced coma sets in) to sit back and reflect on what we can be thankful for.

Go ahead,… think of one thing that is going well for you right now.

Do you got it?

Good. I am going to trust that you did that.

Once we do this, it will help with a mind shift and will allow us to gain perspective on what is truly important in our life. Sometimes we get so caught up about what we want and what we might have missed out on, that we tend to forget about the good things we have.

If you want to help someone out today, ask them what they are thankful for. They might look at you like you are crazy, but insist on an answer.

It may be the thing that helps them out on what can be a very stressful holiday for some people.

Enough of the philosophy.

Today may be dominated by Thanksgiving, but it is also National French Toast Day.

There is nothing really interesting about it other than French Toast is awesome and hopefully you had the opportunity to have some for breakfast.

tomorrow is Black Friday!

strap on the body armor if you are going out. Make sure you have a plan for all the shopping. If you are armed with a plan before venturing out, you are sure to have an advantage over the competition.

make sure you pay attention to the deals that are being presented on the internet. It might save you some stress.

If Black Friday shopping is not really your thing, then tomorrow is also the National Day of Listening

it is when Americans are encouraged to set aside time to record the stories of their families, friends, and local communities.

Next Week we have a few really cool holidays to learn about:

Eat a Red Apple day on December 1st, so bust out those apples and keep those doctors away

Cyber-Monday on December 2nd- make sure you stop by I Didn’t Wrap My Gift for discounts and FREE shipping

Santa’s List Day on 3 December. This is both the last day Santa checks his list for who has been Naughty or Nice, but it is also one of the last days kid’s are encouraged to send off Letter’s to Santa for those final pleas and counter-proposals.

Finally, one of the coolest holidays of the year happens on December 4th- The Day of the Ninja. On this day, people are encouraged to dress as ninja, engage in ninja-related activities, and spread information on ninja online.

Since the outbreak of Pirates Versus Ninja conflict, the holiday serves as a counter to the International Talk Like A Pirate Day (which of course, is held on September 19th).

There is Your News

This is Tim from I Didn’t Wrap My Gift (Make sure you share the page with your friends) and I will see you next time.

You will be able to find me, some unique gift ideas and some useful information at our main site at href="http://www.ididntwrapmygift.com">www.ididntwrapmygift.com

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The post rel="nofollow" href="http://blog.ididntwrapmygift.com/general-information/french-toast-turkey-ninjas-cyber-monday/">French Toast, Turkey, Ninja’s and Cyber-Monday appeared first on rel="nofollow" href="http://blog.ididntwrapmygift.com">I Didn't Wrap My Gift.