Plant Identification videos – Identify that Plant

Plant Identification videos – Identify that Plant

Fire pink (Silene virginica)

December 18, 2014

When the leaves of Fire pink (Silene virginica) emerge in the spring, the plant is unremarkable in appearance.  However, when it begins to bloom, the bright red flowers grab the eye and shout "Look at me!"

This next photo shows the flower with dark pollen sprinkled over the flower's five notched petals.

Leaves grow both at the base of the plant and along its flower stem.  Those along the stem are narrow and the leaves closest to the flowers are shorter than those further down the stem.

Here's a view of developing Fire pink seed capsules.

Watch this video to see which parts of Fire pink (Silene virginica) are covered with sticky hairs and why it is called a "catchfly" plant, to learn whether it is an upright or a sprawling plant, and to see the size and shape of its seeds.

(Here's the same video as posted on YouTube.)