The Idea Climbing Podcast

The Idea Climbing Podcast

How to Create Flow States With Chris M. King

June 15, 2022

Episode 55!

Today the subject of “Flow” is the focus of our conversation. My guest is Chris M. King, executive performance coach, author, speaker, and founder of Status Flow.

What is flow? Athletes refer to it as being in the zone, its runner’s high, basketball players call it going unconscious and other people have other names. Flow is the optimal state of consciousness where you feel your best, perform your best, you’re not stressed out and you’re using fewer resources to achieve bigger goals.

What roles can flow play in bringing a big idea to life? Before looking at that Chris agreed that if you spend too much time in flow you can overload your brain. We discuss the balance between being in flow and taking time off from flow. If you want to get creative with bringing your big idea to life flow can play a big role, but it’s almost counter-intuitive. The primary areas of the brain that we’re used to working with don’t play a role in flow. You need to set the unique conditions for flow and behave in a certain way that will create the flow state that you’re looking for. To do this you can train into flow and train out of flow to prevent overload.

“Flow triggers” are the conditions that need to be present to create the neurochemical cocktail that flow is the result of. One of them is complete concentration. You need to create an environment where you are only focused on the project you’re working on and not be distracted by cell phones and other things. Risk is another one that is tied to concentration. When you take a risk, you get very focused on what you’re doing to avoid problems. This helps with flow.

In this episode we also discuss:

  • The flow paradox: By trying too hard to get into flow you can keep yourself out of it. We discuss what you can do to avoid this problem.
  • How to leverage other flow triggers.
  • How to recognize when you’re in flow if you haven’t consciously been aware of it before.
  • …and other golden nuggets of advice!

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About The Guest









You’ve renegotiated deals, jobs, and even relationships. What if you could renegotiate your existence?  You can! And you can make the impossible, or even the unimaginable, a reality quicker than you thought!

“Pique-performance” (spelling is intentional) executive coach, author, and speaker Chris M. King sets the conditions for “flow,” a.k.a. “the zone.” He facilitates the journeys that lead to the discoveries that create sustainable advancements for organizations and individuals to quickly achieve the impossible. Chris has particular expertise with professional women and women-led/focused teams, ensuring they are running their businesses and lives instead of their businesses and lives running them.

Chris’s background is working in technology, broadcasting, and healthcare. He has trained with the very best in flow research including the Flow Research Collective, the Flow Genome Project, David Bayer, Brendon Burchard, Dr. Andrew Huberman, Unbeatable Mind, and regularly trains in mental and physical endurance with retired US Navy SEALs.

Chris’s book, Renegotiate Your Existence: Unlock Your Impossible Life is now available on Amazon.