I Am African by Verastic

I Am African by Verastic

EP 27: IVF and Male Factor Infertility ft. Nonsi Martins

May 03, 2021

Infertility is one of the many taboo conversations in the African community. In the Christian African community, it's even worse. For starters, the bible says that there will be barrenness in the land, so both preachers and the congregation they're preaching to are quick to remind women who are trying to conceive of this verse. It's almost as if the infertility is thereby invalidated and denied. The problem is that it's usually still there. And what about the fact that altar calls in church only call for women who want children, never men. Are men never infertile?In today's episode, Nonsi Martins, a Zimbabwean woman, tells us about the male factor infertility - infertility in the male. Her husband, a Nigerian man, is the one experiencing infertility, but they are in this journey together, and Nonsi speaks very candidly and openly about their IVF journey, the cause of her husband's infertility, and how their family feels about this information being out in the open.Noni Martins is a Zimbabwean-British blogger at unfertility.com who hopes to break the silence, stigma and shame by demystifying the infertility & IVF journey.  She is an Office/Project Manager by day on projects that work towards eliminating modern slavery and child labor through responsible recruitment and supply chain solutions. Social issues are also close to her heart. You can find her on Instagram.BEFORE YOU GO, PLEASE RATE AND LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS. THANK YOU!Let's connect:I Am African on InstagramI Am African on TwitterI Am African on FacebookVera Ezimora on InstagramVera Ezimora on TwitterVera Ezimora on FacebookMonthly love notes in your emailWeb: www.verastic.comEmail: iamafrican@verastic.comAll content © 2021 I Am African by Verastic.