Hybrid Marketing For Entrepreneurs

Hybrid Marketing For Entrepreneurs

How To Get Started Building An Email List

June 06, 2016

The Bribe To Subscribe!

It’s all about list-building, starting your email list from scratch. This goes out to the people who don’t have an email list, don’t know where to start, get intimidated by thinking about an email list, and it freaks them out. Right? Don’t worry. It’s not that hard, but it’s one of these things where I can’t tell you how important it is to actually have an email list, to be able to go out there and build your audience, build your authority, do all these things.  Okay, so where do you start?
What’s the first step to building an email list, and what if you want to build it today, beginning today, for your email list?  I’m going to break it down in just a few steps, okay, so it’s going to be a few steps, and it’s not as hard as you think. This applies to small business owners, affiliate marketers, network marketers, really anybody who wants to have an impact and build a list online today. Take a subject, number one. You have to give value. How it works to get people on your email list, to have a list that’s growing and thriving, right, is, you actually have to give value to these people in exchange for them giving their information to you. You’re going to bribe them with value, with something you’re going to give these people, and then they’re going to give you their email address. It’s like an exchange. It’s the first sale.
Once that happens, you can move on with the relationship, but you have to make that first sale, which is giving them a piece of value in exchange for their email address, and getting that information, to get them on your list. Okay, so how you do that is… take a subject you’ve already trained your team on or know extremely well, whatever that is. It could be video marketing, could be offline marketing, it could be how to do traffic. It could be anything, how to do a three-way call. It could be any subject that you know well. Anything that you know well, you’ve already trained on, or you’re just good at it. If you haven’t trained anyone, that’s fine too, but usually there’s something that you’re really good at that you’ve shared with others, so the question is, have you shared it on video, in a video format? If you’ve shared it in video, great, then you’re halfway there. If not, record it on video. Use Screencast-O-Matic. Just get in front of a camera, and however you have to do it, record that piece of content.
Take that piece of content, and that’s what you’re going to use as your bribe. It could be a training for how to build an email list in a day, or start building your list today.  Whatever it is: Take that subject, shoot a video for your training, and have that ready. Then you’re going to need a lead capture page. Don’t be intimidated by it. Don’t be freaked out that you have to be this internet marketing expert to get a lead capture page. It’s not that hard. There’s plenty of places to go, there’s tons of different ways to do it. Don’t be intimidated. We use ClickFunnels for everything. Russell Brunson’s ClickFunnels is awesome. Next you go get a cheap autoresponder. You can get AWeber for like a buck for the first two weeks. 
It’s cheap, but you’re going to have to do some investing, so don’t be scared to spend some money, because your email list is going to pay you! Spend a little money, get an autoresponder, get a lead capture page system, and get ready to build a list, right? You’re going to have to need those things; so you’ve got your training video, you’ve got your autoresponder, you’ve got your capture page.