Hybrid Marketing For Entrepreneurs

Hybrid Marketing For Entrepreneurs

4 Tips For Creating Daily Content

June 04, 2016

Daily Content Will Set You Free

Daily Content: We’re talking about daily content. Daily content will set you free.
I promise you, if you create content every single day and do it consistently over, and over, and over, and grind daily content… it will set you free. You will get the results you want. It doesn’t matter what business you’re in or what you’re talking about. Whatever that business is, it could be network marketing, it could be a small business, it could be whatever. By you creating daily content, you’re going to attract a following. You’re going to become an expert in your niche. You’re going to get leads and, if you do it right, you’re going to get sales. Those are all important things, right, no matter what your business is, that’s what you want, right?
The problem is a lot of people get stuck. A lot of people get stuck and go, “You know, I get the content thing. I know that we have to do this. I know that we should be making content and videos and blog posts and all this stuff, but I don’t know what to talk about. I don’t know what to do every single day. What am I going to talk about, Ray? I don’t know.”  
Let me show you four ways to make daily content, every day. 
Number one, this goes out for affiliate marketers, network marketers, if you’re promoting a product or a service for another company … Or, if you’re a small business.  It’s all about using the FAQ section, frequently asked questions. There’s usually a list of 10, 20, 30 frequently asked questions on that list, meaning people are asking these questions frequently. Wouldn’t you like to be the person when they hit Google, or they’re looking for the answer, that you’re the person that gives them that answer? Wouldn’t you like to be able to create a piece of content that you could put up on YouTube, on Facebook, wherever you’re putting it, on your blog, and having the answer to the frequently asked questions for your offer? Whatever your offer is, it doesn’t matter. Does it make sense? That is just a laundry list of great content to create, no matter what you’re promoting. It doesn’t matter if you’re promoting yourself, or a company, or network marketer, go to your FAQ’s, go to the facts, right, go there and there’s probably 10 to 20 different things that you can create content on.
That gets you going for 10, 20, 30 days, whatever. That gets you in the mode of creating content, so there’s one. That’s number one. Go to FAQ and you literally have a laundry list, a To-Do list of content because daily content will set you free. I promise you.
Number two… This is really basic, guys. You just did the FAQ list, right, from your company, from your opportunity, or the business you own, whatever, those frequently asked questions. Now, think back and go, “What do people frequently ask me?” The frequently asked questions that people ask you. The questions that you’re getting all the time. Guess what? How awesome would it be to, number one, have someone come out and find a video, when they’re looking for that an answer, and find a video or piece of content with you giving the answer, making yourself the expert. That’s great. Number two, your time is everything. Time freedom, time is money, all those things you’ve heard. Well, how about, instead of giving a big long winded explanation of 5 to 10 minutes for some question that a prospect has, or teammate has, and having to do it over, and over, and over, and over, and over, having to give that answer because you’ve done it 50 times already.
Well, guess what, make a video, a piece of content answering the question. Not only will people who are seeking the answer to the question find it,