Hustle and Heart TV with Darieth Chisolm - AUDIO version

Hustle and Heart TV with Darieth Chisolm - AUDIO version

How to do your own PR like a PRO with Leslie Green H & H 10

February 22, 2017

Public. Relations… have you ever stopped to think about those words and what they really mean? It is literally the way that your business, your brand, is viewed by people who could make or break your reputation. That’s a big deal. And it can be a daunting task to handle your own media relations, busy event schedule and keep your marketing strategy revved up. It sounds like you need a public relations professional. I know you may be thinking “I just cannot afford to hire a PR person.” And that’s alright. You don’t have to. I’m going to introduce you to my own PR pro, Leslie Green, who is going to give you tips and insider advice on how to do your own PR like a pro. As the founder and CEO of the communications consulting agency Golden Life Ventures, Leslie has been helping to implement communications and media relations campaigns for organizations like the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. I wasn’t playing when I said she’s a pro. So who better to talk to about upping your PR game. TO REGISTER FOR FUTURE CALLS go to If you can't make it, I'll be emailing the audio links and making them available at and on my podcast channels on iTunes & Stitcher radio. Plus you can check out previous episodes you missed!