Hustle and Heart TV with Darieth Chisolm - AUDIO version

Hustle and Heart TV with Darieth Chisolm - AUDIO version

Mindset Mastery for Women Entrepreneurs with Joy Bulfalini H & H 8

February 07, 2017

What’s the most important thing to consider when it comes to building your business and brand? Take a moment and really think about this… Is it your marketing plan? Your clientele? Budget management? The location of your business (if you have a storefront)? These are all key elements of any successful business plan, and you really can’t neglect any of them. When it comes down to it, the single most important aspect of your business is, drumroll please, your mindset. I know this might seem like a trick question now that you know the answer but I promise you it isn’t. Think about it. If you are worried about a million and one other things, while you’re at work or working on your business plan, what happens? Maybe you start to forget about small things you had to do, you find yourself distracted when you need to be fully focused, your productivity goes down... But hey when you’ve been binge-watching your favorite show and not getting enough rest or eating badly because of stress and then not making it to your a.m. yoga class what can you expect? Bottom line, if you’re trying to better your business, you have to better yourself. You have to become a master of your mind. Find that inner control that will help you focus on your goals and fight off all those negative thoughts and actions that are keeping you from getting the most out of each and every day. I know getting our minds tuned in can really be rough, so I’m introducing you to a mindset master to help us get ourselves in check. Her name is Joy Bufalini and she’s all about helping women entrepreneurs like you and me get into the right state of mind.  7 Simple Steps to Designing the Life and Business of your Dreams What would your life look like if you really went for it? If you accomplished the things you say what to? If you really developed a truly successful and profitable business, enterprise or Side Hustle? Go to to grab my 7 Steps, listen to a guided audio and get the latest Side Hustle Tips, Tactics, and Tools you can apply Today.