Hustle and Heart TV with Darieth Chisolm - AUDIO version

Hustle and Heart TV with Darieth Chisolm - AUDIO version

How to Become an Authority and Catapult your Profits

February 01, 2017

Guru. We’ve all heard the word and I’m sure you have a few gurus you look up to for everything from home repair advice to tried-and-true marketing secrets to style influence. Sound familiar? Of course it does! We go to these gurus, these influencers, these people who are authorities in their own field for advice because they provide quality information and products time and time again. Now let’s be honest, we all want to be that guru, that authority, the person your ideal client or customer is coming to for help? Don’t we? Of course we do! So now the question is how to get yourself from someone who watches those gurus to someone others are watching and following as the authority in the field. Well look no further here’s a solution. Listen to this episode of Hustle & Heart LIVE, my guest Weston Lyon. Weston is the author of 18 books, has given over 450 speeches to thousands of entrepreneurs, just like yourself, from all over the world and has shared the stage with other successful entrepreneurs including Dr. Ivan Misner (Founder of BNI), and International Best-Selling Author Michelle R. Donovan. Sounds like someone you’d take some advice from? Register for upcoming calls at and I’ll send you the details. If you can’t make it on the call, be sure to still register and I’ll send you the replay. I’ve picked his brain and he's given amazing advice. Coaches, Authors, Speakers, Experts looking for a way to expand your expertise, grow your client base and leverage the fastest path to cash? Listen to my new masterclass training… The 5-Step Method to Making $5K a day Hosting Workshops, Boot camps & Retreats” I’ll share what you need to PLAN, HOST, and MASTER your first profitable LIVE event. Go to Http:// to register.