Hustle and Heart TV with Darieth Chisolm - AUDIO version

Hustle and Heart TV with Darieth Chisolm - AUDIO version

Niche Marketing for Authors with Susan Friedmann on H & H 3

December 19, 2016

It was tough enough to come up with the words for my book, let alone write it, have someone else stare at it and edit it and then send it along to someone to set it up for print. I hadn't even figured out how best to market my book, Hustle! Why Now is the Time to Unleash your Passions let alone come up with a plan to stand out in the market place among other authors. Quite frankly I still haven't figured it out. So that's why I invited Susan Friedmann onto my show, Hustle & Heart Radio, so we all could have a conversation about Niche Targeting for Authors. Susan is a fellow author (14 times over!) and a marketing expert so it only made sense to have her on the show so I could pick her brain, find out how she mastered the art of standing out in a crowded marketplace. If anyone can tell you how to promote and sell your product, it's Susan! As an accomplished author, she knows just how important it is to target your niche if you want to be a success and standout in your field. And the NichePreneur (awesome nickname!) is all about sharing what she knows with other women entrepreneurs so they too can reach their full potential! So let's do this! Join me and Susan Friedmann for Niche targeting for authors. Want to participate on the next show. Great. Register at to get the call in details  GUEST REQUEST. I'm looking for dynamic guest experts who work with and support entrepreneurs to grow their business. Is that you? Would you like to be a show guest? Please reply to this email with your contact info, your website link and a short bio about you and your business. NEW and Free Masterclass Training!  The 5-Step Method to Making $5K a day Hosting Workshops, Boot camps & Retreats" I'll share what you need to PLAN, HOST, and MASTER your first profitable LIVE event. Go to  to register.