Hustle and Heart TV with Darieth Chisolm - AUDIO version

Hustle and Heart TV with Darieth Chisolm - AUDIO version

30 Days to Prosperity with Rebecca Matias H & H Radio 2

December 13, 2016

Dare to be Prosperous. Yeah, I know sometimes #prosperity can seem like a place you'll never get to. Sometimes it can feel like we have to fight our way through a battlefield and it can be so easy to get sidetracked and forget about our goals. Then self-doubt starts to creep up on us and those ugly thoughts come to mind, "can I really do this?" .."who am I to aim so high?". "Maybe i should settle for what I've got?" We've all had those thoughts. So has every successful person who NOW truly knows prosperity. Same doubts, same struggles. So what's separating you from them? What's keeping you from the life you deserve? Let's uncover it together, along with my guest Rebecca Matias, Intuitive Success Coach. Rebecca is fearless and she's all about empowering other fierce women by giving them the tools they need to not only build a better business but also to get to the root of what's really holding them back. Oh and did I mention that she does this all, has created the School of Feminine Fortune and is a mom to two awesome boys? And even more amazing she's going to share with you her 30 Days to Prosperity and Authentic Money Formula. You are invited to join in on these LIVE weekly conversations. Register at to grab the phone number, then join me LIVE every Monday at Noon for free advice, tips, strategies and (woo, woo) on ways to start, grow and expand your business. You’ll hear from expert guest and you’ll be able to ask questions, get hot seat coaching and share your tips, tools and strategies for success. Can’t make it live at Noon on Monday’s? No worries, I’ve got you covered, be sure to register at and I’ll email you the replays. Get the call details today and then mark your calendar and I’ll talk to you on Monday.