Hustle and Heart TV with Darieth Chisolm - VIDEO version

Hustle and Heart TV with Darieth Chisolm - VIDEO version

H and H 32 |Baron Batch on The Art of Business

April 07, 2015

These days he’d like to be called The Artist, that’s it, The Artist.  A name that totally epitomizes his work, his passion and his purpose.  His real name is Baron Batch and you might know him as a former Pittsburgh Steelers running back.
Football is days behind him. What fills his hands and heart are paintbrushes, pencil, his unique genre of art, Pop X and his high end dipping salsa, Angry Man.
I sat down with him in his creative space, art studio and advertising agency, Studio A.M., which also sometimes serves brunch to hundreds of people.
This man really knows how to hustle, we steer clear of football and instead focus on the art of business and the business of art and a whole lot of stuff in between.
Baron Batch, on this next episode of Hustle & Heart TV with Darieth Chisolm.
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